Africa as the future of supply chains 

Dear R&C Desk Family and Clients,

I am excited to present the fifth edition of our newsletter, which has garnered significant interest over the past five months. Our mission is to deliver valuable insights into technology, maritime transport, logistics, investments, and the dynamic developments happening in Africa.

According to the 2023 UN Africa Economic Development Report, African economies have the potential to become major players in global supply chains. This potential can be realized by leveraging the continent's vast resources of materials needed for technology-intensive sectors and its expanding consumer markets. Africa offers several advantages, including shorter and easier access to primary inputs, a younger, technologically aware, and adaptable workforce, and a growing middle class known for its increasing demand for sophisticated goods and services. The report highlights the importance of future infrastructure investment to strengthen Africa's position as a supply chain destination. As UNCTAD Secretary-General Rebeca Grynspan said, “Now is the time for Africa to strengthen its position in global supply chains, as diversification efforts continue.”

Does the reality on the ground follow the theory? This month, we spotlight the remarkable projects fueling investment and change across the continent: the modernization of the Luanda Multipurpose Port Terminal in Angola (rea​​​​​​d more), which is enhancing infrastructure and stimulating economic growth; the ambitious Gauge Rail Corridors Project in East Africa (rea​​​​​​d more), aimed at improving transportation networks; various green initiatives in the maritime sector that promote sustainable development (rea​​​​​​d more); and upgrades at the Port of Cotonou to support environmentally sustainable operations (rea​​​​​​d more).

These are some noteworthy examples showing the presence of investments and investors. Therefore, I do believe the theory stands, even if the pace is not the same across the continent.

Dear R&C readers, enjoy your reading and have a great time!

Hafedh CHERIF • CEO of R&C Desk