Burkina Faso Bans 
Imports of Weaving Yarn and Woven Loincloths 



Burkina Faso is a leading cotton producer in Africa and is taking steps to strengthen its domestic cotton-textile-clothing value chain. The country processes less than 10% of its cotton production locally. The government has implemented a ban on the import of weaving yarn and woven loincloths, effective from 24 September 2024.

The government wants to encourage the local production of cotton and support the development of domestic production facilities. This measurement has been taken to reduce reliance on imported textiles and create more value within the country by processing raw cotton into yarn, fabric, and clothing domestically.

The authorities have given economic operators, with valid import authorisations for weaving yarns and woven loincloths, 3 months from the start date of 24 September to complete their import procedures. Once this period is over, the licences will be invalid. Businesses with existing stocks of imported woven yarns and loincloths are required to make a declaration to the Brigade Mobile de Contrôle Économique et de la Répression des Fraudes (BMCRF) or the Ministry of Trade’s regional offices.

Furthermore, the traditional woven loincloth ‘Faso danfani’ has a protected geographical indication (PGI) since 2019. This status safeguards the authenticity of over 400 unique designs, crafted by women from different regions of the country, and includes by a logo to prevent counterfeiting.

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